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The North American Bison is a powerful animal that conjures images of living wild and free in the grasslands and plains of our great country. Most often recognized for their brute strength and wild spirit, the iconic bison, like other ruminates is able to convert the sun's energy (derived from grass) and produce one of the most delicious and healthy meats on the planet. Through brilliant evolution and symbiotic relationships with the land, the bison is also a clever animal that has unbelievable instincts. These innate characteristics make the bison a resilient creature that can survive snow, long periods of fasting, habitat loss, and the near extinction caused by our ancestors.

I believe that we can learn tremendous lessons of wisdom from our environment and the majestic animals that survive in the wild. In this spirit, I urge you to act like a bison more often! In particular, I am referring to a bison's ability to navigate and thrive through fear. When approached with a powerful storm on the horizon, bison instinctively run towards the looming threat. For example, when a powerful storm is approaching from the north (and moving south), a herd of bison will begin running towards the north. By facing their fears head on, and running directly towards the north, the herd will minimize the amount of time they are exposed to danger.

Other domesticated livestock like cattle instinctively run away from the storm and will eventually spend more time exposed to danger by running inside the system. Take the same scenario as above, a fast moving storm coming from the north and heading south will eventually catch a herd of cattle trying to escape its trajectory. Once inside a storm, the cows will continue moving south and indirectly be exposed to longer periods of danger than the bison.


Take the wisdom of a bison and apply this to your own life. Run towards the storm! We are all faced with fears and insecurities on a daily basis. Whether or not we admit it, we frequently decide to run away or avoid facing these "storms". By doing this, we indirectly expose ourselves to longer periods of stress and unhappiness. However, if you practice acting like a bison, you will work towards facing fears head on and run at them with all your might! As a result, you will spend less time in distress and break through the "storm" thereby transforming yourself into a happier and healthier YOU. Enjoying your life and listening to your instinct is the foundation of living wild & free. You owe it to yourself!

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