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Sockeye Salmon Shortage

Sockeye Salmon Shortage

As an integral part of the ecosystem here on earth, it’s our duty to be responsible environmental stewards. This includes confronting the intimidating but unavoidable topics of land and ocean degradation as well as interrelated climate change.

The United Nations estimates that, if we continue on with current practices, the land will provide about 60 more harvests. Some studies show that we might deplete the oceans of fish even before we deplete the soil. That means we need to change now if we don’t want our children to be without food.

Photo by Antonia Reitter


The loss of oceanic biodiversity is accelerating along with coastal flooding and declining water quality. With this awareness, some authorities are taking strict precautions. For example, the State of Alaska regulates the fishing of salmon through a limited entry system, which protects the salmon population from decimation. However, despite the reputable efforts by the Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G) to protect and maintain active fisheries, the inevitable unpredictability of Nature makes this mission a complex one.

This past year, the salmon harvest in the Kenai Peninsula, 60 miles south of Anchorage, Alaska, was affected by many factors. For one, climate change has increased water temperatures while decreasing water quality. This year, temperatures were about 5 degrees Fahrenheit higher than average, which caused a delay in the fish entering the fishable river systems. When they did arrive, they were swimming at deeper level. The disruption in their normal migratory patterns along with darkness from glacial runoff resulted in less feeding opportunities for the fish. Ultimately, the fish came much later and smaller than usual.

The ADF&G did what they could to mitigate this situation so that both the fisheries and the livelihood in of the fisherman in the Kenai Peninsula were both preserved. However, our supplier, Fred’s Alaska Seafood, along with many other fishermen in that area, came up short.

Photo by Antonia Reitter of Steve, founder of Fred's Alaska Seafood, with his two sons


The lower-than-average harvest this year along with the growing demand for EPIC products resulted in a shortage of Sockeye Salmon to be used in our products. However, Steve is so passionate about our mission that he found a solution. He purchased more fish from other Alaskan fishermen of wild-caught salmon so that we could meet our demand.

Because of this, we have added two varieties of salmon to our products. In addition to the original Sockeye, they now include Coho and Keta varieties. The difference in taste and texture is subtle, but we like it better overall. You’ll notice a lighter color in the new products that include all three species.

The top strip is the original salmon strip with Sockeye, and the bottom strip is the new strip with a blend of Sockeye, Coho, and Keta 


This change is because we are supporting sustainable wild-caught fishermen that are abiding by state laws that protect the oceanic ecosystem. Know that we prioritize the health of the environment and people over uniformity. Know that we are grateful for your participation in the food revolution.

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