In our own version of March Madness, we're bringing you FIVE guests for this week’s Meatcast! We talk to fitness superstar Emily Schromm and journalists, Neil Zevnik from the Huffington Post and Ashley Van Houten from Paleo Magazine. We peek into the world of the dreaded “influencer” thanks to Michelle Smith of The Whole Smiths, and we talk to professional athlete, Steve Hauschka, an NFL kicker for the Buffalo Bills. What kind of event brings all these types of people together? Only Expo West, the largest trade show for natural and organic food brands. With so many guests and topics, we’ve included more details [and timestamps!] below.
Emily Schromm [3:00] - Star from MTV’s The Challenge and Women’s Health’s “Next Fitness Star”. Her and I discuss the top trends she’s seeing at the show and why being surrounded by health products reminds us there’s no ‘easy fix’.
Michelle Smith [8:10] - Recipe guru, mom ninja, author. Michelle gives us a peek into the world of “influencers”, explaining how they get paid, why she hates the word ‘influencer’, and how she decides to share pictures of her family when she has over a hundred thousand followers.
Ashleigh Van Houten [25:05] - Paleo Mag contributor and podcast host. Ashleigh shares what she’s seen at Expo that will resonate with the Paleo community (hint: not vegan burgers) and we discuss the evolution of the Paleo community she’s seen over 7 years writing for Paleo Magazine.
Neil Zevnik [33:00] - Writer, Huffington Post and Better Nutrition. Neil touches on why he’s inspired by and writes about “conscious capitalism” today. We also discuss his BS filter and how he identifies truly mission-based brands.
Steve Hauschka [42:38] - NFL Kicker, Buffalo Bills. Why is an NFL kicker at Expo West, and why kickers make an ideal entrepreneur.
Apologies to our three Meatcast guests who’s interviews didn’t make the episode. Kayleigh Christina Clark, Jorge Cruise, and Aimee Suen. You can read more about these folks below!
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Best Trade Show Booths from Expo West 2018
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Music By: Broke For Free and Blank & Kytt