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Meatcast - Episode 32

Meatcast - Episode 32


We’re headed to Alaska this week to chat with our very own salmon fisherman, Steve Sturman from Fred’s Alaska Seafood. We’ve been lucky enough to feature Steve in our EPIC Impact Journal, and he came with us to Expo West as part of our “Meet your Rancher/Fisherman” booth! Everytime we speak, I wish I was recording because he always has an incredible story or interesting insight about salmon and the fishing industry. Well this time I finally hit that record button! Steven and I chat about... 


- The fishing industry’s reputation for being among the most dangerous occupations

- How a fella’ from Oklahoma ended up being an Alaskan Salmon fisherman

- What happens to fish heads and fish guts and how the whole fish gets utilized

- Wild vs. farmed salmon


For this week’s INSIDE EPIC, we take you into the world of responsibly-sourced leather! During a live interview recorded at PaleoFX, I talked to Janet Hamilton from Farrier Leather. Dive into this fascinating conversation surrounding why farmers typically don’t get a single penny from leather sales and why it's so hard to find responsibly-sourced leather in America.

Finally, I give y’all some advice on how to be the first to hear about EPIC’s two huge upcoming launches (hint: subscribe to our newsletter), and—in this week’s review read—find out how well I handle criticism (hint: tears).


Relevant Links

Family, Fish, and Freedom

Farrier Leather


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Music By: Broke For Free and Blank & Kytt

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