When the summer days in Texas got so hot that old sayings like “it’s hotter than a billy goat with a blow torch" were being heard around town, we knew it was time to head into the EPIC test kitchen and freeze our ready to drink bone broth.

These trending popsicles are nutrient dense summer treats. We tested a few recipes, but fell in love with this one made with our EPIC Homestyle Chicken Bone Broth. This recipe is savory with a hint of sweetness and spice, but without added sugar. The ratio of bone broth to juice is approximately 1 to 1, ensuring you will reap the nourishing benefits of collagen, minerals, and gelatin found in our bone broth.
- 9 medium sized carrots
- 4 juicing oranges
- 2 inch chunk of fresh ginger root (or more to taste)
- 1 small cluster of fresh turmeric root (optional)
- 1 Jar of EPIC Homestyle Chicken Bone Broth
This recipe does require a juicer and popsicle molds. If you do not own a juicer, similar results can be achieved by thoroughly blending the ingredients in a blender and straining through 2 layers of cheesecloth to separate and remove the pulp. Another option is to buy fresh made juice from your local juice shop or grocer. Aim for a ratio of 1 to 1 between the fresh juice and the EPIC Homestyle Chicken Bone Broth.
Peel the oranges. Clean and roughly chop the vegetables. No need to peel the ginger or tumeric root. Process both through a juicer. Pour fresh juice and bone broth into a pitcher- mix well. Fill popsicle molds leaving a quarter inch at the top for expansion. Top molds with lids and freeze overnight or a minimum of 8 hours. When ready to eat, run mold under hot water for a few seconds to ease separation from the mold. Enjoy immediately!