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"There's a small group of men who are changing your world. Some of them you'll recognize, but some operate behind the curtain. They have ideas, and they have the resources to execute them. From the thrift shop to outer space, these men are the new generation of innovators. They're changing the rules. Fixing the system. And taking us all along for the ride." - Men's Fitness

game changer


This month Men's Fitness Magazine ran a feature article highlighting what they call "Game Changing Entrepreneurs" with ideas that are breaking down barriers and revolutionizing the world we live in. When they reached out to us and asked us to be a part of the article it was surreal and truly epic! The October issue is out at stores right now and features some of the most creative and innovative men in the world.


men's fitness

We never expected our founder Taylor Collins to be featured on the front of the magazine posing with football in hand and the perfect amount of man sweat moistening his beefy shoulders. We can only suspect that this image was retrieved by the paparazzi from his high school year book.




Other game changers include Swedish DJ Avicii, Tour de France winner Chris Froome, Tesla Motors founder Elon Musk, Airbnb's Brian Chesky, and late-night comedian Jimmy Fallon. "To be included in a list of such influential and well known men is an honor" says Collins. "Everyday I try to leave my mark on the world, with my partner and lover Katie Forrest, I am fortunate to have the opportunities to make an impact. The essence of what we are doing with EPIC is offering people a nutritious and convenient whole food snack that assists in better eating decisions while on the go. We want EPIC to embody health, energy, environmentalism, and adventure".




When Journalist Nate Millado asked Taylor who his game changing inspirations were, Taylor quickly listed his top 3. That segment of the interview did not make it to publication, but we want to share his influencers, as it fuels our drive for innovation and creativity.




EPIC's Game Changers #1, Joe Salatin from Polyface Farms. This farmer is truly inspiring a revolution in how animals are raised. He claims "We are in the redemption business: healing the land, healing the food, healing the economy, and healing the culture". Salatin owns a multi-generational, pasture-based, "beyond organic" farm in Virginia's Shenadoah Valley. He is a philosopher, author, and speaker.


tim olson


EPIC's Game Changer #2, Tim Olson. Tim Olson is the 2 time consecutive champion of the prestigious Western States 100 Trail Race. He is a phenomenal athlete who is crushing records and redefining how endurance athletes fuel. Olson is a self proclaimed low carbohydrate athlete who focuses on consuming a diet higher in fats and protein while inversely limiting sugar intake. This is counter to everything endurance athletes are taught to believe and Olson is living proof that humans can function on elite levels while consuming low carb diets.




EPIC's Game Changer #3, Michael Pollan. Author of some of our favorite books that include The Omnivore's Dilemma, Food Rules, and In Defense of Food. Pollan is a visionary focused on reeducating and changing our perception of "Real Food". His message is clear, effective, and improving the lives of millions.

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