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In a world that seems to be teetering on the brink of disaster, hope remains strong – and rightly so. Around the globe, there is a burgeoning resistance comprised of farmers and ranchers who are regenerating their soils, watersheds, wildlife habitat and human communities by practicing Holistic Management.


The idea of Holistic Management began in the 1960s when Allan Savory, a wildlife biologist in his native Southern Rhodesia, set out to understand desertification. Savory concluded that the spread of deserts, the loss of wildlife, and the human impoverishment that always resulted were related to the reduction of the natural herds of large grazers and even more, the change in behavior of those few remaining herds. Livestock could be substituted to provide important ecosystem services like nutrient cycling when mimicking those uniquely coevolved grasses and grazers. An adaptive management plan was needed for the integration of the experiential with the experimental, as well as the social with the biophysical, to provide a more comprehensive framework for the management of rangeland systems. None of these sources of knowledge could be understood except in the context of the whole. Holistic Management was developed to meet that need. This movement is global, it’s culturally diverse, and it works!

However, the story does not end there. Consumers need better access to the products grown by these people. Farmers and ranchers likewise need more opportunities to sell their products in a way that recognizes their dedication to regenerating the environments we all depend upon. Bold brands like EPIC are striving to make real change in the marketplace by increasing accessibility to the finished products that enable consumers to purchase environmentally-enhancing products everyone can feel proud of. 


Through our partnership with The Savory Institute, we are committed to breaking through the barriers that have stood in the way. Please join us for the 2017Eat It, Wear It, Regenerate It conference taking place late October and early November. During this event, we will officially roll out a Land to Market verification program, a groundbreaking effort to bridge gaps in scaling the availability of regeneratively grown food.

We have incredibly innovative opportunities for you engage with this Consumer Revolution. Whether you can make it to the intimate VIP event in Boulder, to your local Hub, or participate digitally, there are options for everyone to join the conversation. Join EPIC and our dear friends at The Savory Institute and secure your ticket now! Visit: today to join our efforts in supporting regenerative agriculture and restoring grasslands globally! With your insight and dialogue you can help us craft a better future for all!

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