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Meat Impacters!

This week, we flip the script and take you the launch of EPIC’s Impact Journal, our 112-page ode to responsible ranching, intimate supplier stories, regenerative agriculture, and much more. To kick off the episode, you’ll hear exclusive behind-the-scenes audio I secretly recorded and then we’ll chat with Katie and Taylor about how their dream of creating an Impact Journal came to be. Afterwards, we’ll speak with the heart and soul of the project, our author and designer, David Leffler and Andrea Romero. They’ll explain how, in a matter of months, they turned our founders’ vision into a 100+ page publication filled with incredible stories and dazzling images.  


We’ll end the podcast in our traditional interview format with Jason Rowntree, professor of Animal Science at Michigan State University and the man responsible for bringing regenerative ag to academia. But Jason’s not just a Meatcast hero — he’s also one of the key personalities featured in our Impact Journal!  He and I cover the following:

  • How he converted 70%+ of the meat served on MSU campus to be sourced from local producers and why teaching campus chefs to cook chuck roasts played a pivotal role
  • Why he refuses to villainize factory-farm beef producers and, rather, how he gets them to buy-in to a more holistic model
  • What is it about a Tri-Tip steak that’ll save a marriage


Finally, throughout the episode, I explain how YOU, loyal Meatcasters, can get your free copy of the Impact Journal just for listening!

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Listen and Subscribe via iTunes: Link

Listen and Subscribe via Stitcher: Link

Stream the Episode: Link

Download as MP3 (right click and save as):  Link


Music By: Broke For Free and Blank & Kytt

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