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Meatcast - Episode 41

Meatcast - Episode 41


Meat SITKA co-founder, Jonathan Hart. SITKA was the first hunting apparel brand to bring the technology and performance of climbing apparel to hunting gear. As a hunter, you’re moving several miles a day, carrying heavy equipment and/or precious animal meat, so you want to be wearing clothing designed for outdoorsmen and adventurers, clothing that considers and prioritizes performance. During our conversation, Jonathan and I discuss:

  • How he began to bridge the gap between climbing and hunting apparel
  • SITKA’s growing pains as a smaller, more expensive brand in the hunting space
  • The role of SITKA in the regeneration and stewardship of the environment that hunters depend on

Whether its hunting, entrepreneurship, environmentalism, or even apparel, there’s no shortage of inspiration and energy from Jonathan in this interview!


For this week’s INSIDE EPIC, we’ll keep the hunting theme and bring back our Meat Sourcer, Kirk Blanchard. When we recorded this interview, Kirk was preparing for a trip north of the Arctic Circle to bow hunt a migration of Caribou! We chat about how the heck a Texan decides to fly to the north pole to hunt Caribou and the kind of dangers that exist up there that you don’t see anywhere else.

Finally, I talk about our latest new item launch and share how you can get some free gifts with any purchase on for a limited time! Oh, and my mom is back to weigh in our lack of Apple podcast ratings and reviews.  


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EPIC Elk Hunt (not mentioned in the episode but the EPIC team was wearing Sitka gear!)


Listen and subscribe links:  Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify

Stream the episode: Link

Download as MP3 (right click and save as):  Link


Music By: Broke For Free and Blank & Kytt

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