Welcome to #MeatcastMonday, everybody!
As EPIC fans, I’m sure many of you are familiar with this week’s guest, Diana Rodgers! And for those who aren’t, you’re going to love her. She scratches all of EPIC’s itches: she’s a dietitian, a regenerative ag farmer and she runs the Sustainable Dish podcast and website. Her articles and podcasts are often forwarded between EPIC employees, so we were especially excited to bring her on and chat about the following...
- Why people should eat more red meat, and less chicken for their health AND for the environment
- Why she became a Registered Dietitian, despite disagreeing with most of the curriculum
- The power of Regenerative Ag within a community
- How to not be the crazy ‘Paleo Parent’ with your kids’ food choices

For this week’s INSIDE EPIC segment, we chat with Sarah Creech, EPIC’s Marketing Coordinator. Sarah has one of the coolest jobs at EPIC, managing our brand partnerships, our ambassador program, and our field marketing efforts. We chat about her sowing seeds of bacon lust in the yoga community, her journey to EPIC, and she drops some real inspiration with what her time here has taught her.
Relevant Links
- Sustainable Dish
- Bird Brained: Why Vegetarian-Fed Chickens are Unhealthy, Unnatural, and Just Plain Wrong
- 10 Tips for Teaching Kids to Have a Healthy Relationship w/Food
- Wanderlust: Conscious Carnivore
Listen and Subscribe via iTunes: Link
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Stream the Episode: Link
Download as MP3 (right click and save as): Link
Music By: Broke For Free and Blank & Kytt