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This week’s Meatcast is a sweet southern hymn as we grace your ears with two of the south’s finest orators — Will Harris from White Oak Pastures, and EPIC’s very own Kirk Blanchard.  If you’re interested in a deeper look at EPIC’s revolutionary sourcing strategies, this is the episode for you.  Based out of Georgia, Harris and White Oak Pastures have long been the gold standard for EPIC thanks to their emphasis on holistic land management, providing us a lofty benchmark to hold every other supplier to. Kirk is EPIC’s Protein Sourcerer, and has been instrumental in managing our partnerships with ranchers and farmers across the country.  


Will is a fourth-generation rancher who’s seen both sides of the industry.  He spent much of his early career running White Oak Pastures as a conventional, industrial farm, but for the past 20 years has adopted practices that have made him a leader in the regenerative agriculture movement.  Will and I cover the following topics and plenty more in striking southern fashion:

  • His switch from industrial farming to regenerative agriculture
  • Why my lawn looks like shit
  • Why today’s food “revolution” is dependent on the consumer
  • Why the New York Times and NPR’s Planet Money recently visited the farm
  • Will’s disdain for big company cowardice


For this week’s Inside EPIC, we’ll chat with Kirk about his journey with EPIC, how the heck he sources nearly a dozen species for EPIC’s animal kingdom, and the work we’re doing to impact America’s grasslands. The guy is one hell of a storyteller, so don’t miss out.

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Will's take on monoculture:



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Music By: Broke For Free and Blank & Kytt


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